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How to increase work efficiency via EN and ENIG process.

Electroless Nickel (EN)

  • Brightness

This is an electroless Ni-P plating solution that has the same level of brightness as cadmium additives without using any cadmium compounds, brightness additives, lead compounds, or bath stabilizers.

  • Hardness

This is a low phosphorus type of electroless Ni-P solution that provides high hardness in the precipitated condition and suits materials that cannot be heat treated.

  • Cracking

Thia is an electroless Ni-P plating solution that suppresses cracking during bending after plating and is resistant to cracking.

  • Thickness

Thia is an electroless Ni-P plating solution is suitable for coating with a thickness of 50 µm or more.

  • Black Nickel

This is an electroless Ni-P plating solution that has a darker tinge than conventional ones due to its finely uneven coating surface.

  • Environmentally friendly Nickel

This is an electroless Ni-P plating solution that does not use harmful substances such as lead, mercury, or cadmium and does not use any heavy metals other than Nickel.

  • Corrosion resistance

This is an electroless Ni-P plating solution that uses special stabilizer features excellent coverage, corrosion resistance, nitric acid resistance, and low internal stress. It is resistant to rust even though it is thin.

  • Wear resistance

This is an electroless Ni-P plating solution that has excellent wear resistance under high load conditions by containing cobalt and changing the blending properties of Ni crystals compared to conventional baths.

  • Sliding

Electroless Ni-P plating solution containing PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) fine particles. PTFE has a low coefficient of friction and is self-lubricating, so it can provide excellent sliding properties and is waterproof. 

Electroless Nickel / Immersion Gold (ENIG)

ENIG is the industry standard for uniform mid-phos EN deposits with a topcoat of immersion gold. A unique, reduction-assisted immersion gold process deposits higher thicknesses “4 to 8 µin gold” in a single step, with no corrosive replacement reaction.

Deposits have a tighter grain and are more uniform than conventional immersion gold. It also has low contact resistance. ENIG creates a highly solderable surface that won’t discolor or tarnish and provides exceptional electrical continuity. The nickel component forms a barrier against copper diffusion and guards against contamination of the solder during soldering and re-work. ENIG also contributes EMI shielding. This final finish process is highly resistant to corrosion and suits contacting surface.

Pattern ability (L/S = 30/20 μm)

ENIG process never waste time and resources with “dummy plating”.

They are also efficient in:

  • A low-concentration, room temperature, chloride-free catalyst.

  • A bath-that runs at least 10 F below the competition.

  • Compatibility with the newest solder mask technology.

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